Top UK SEO Services

SEO Glossary

This is Google’s pay-per-click (PPC) program.

Affiliate Program or Link
You can track traffic driven from affiliate sites by placing adverts on affiliate websites. Normally this is based on some incentives.

When making a link in a webpage using Hyer Text Markup Language (HTML) that is called an anchor.

Backward Link / Back Link
A link from another website is coming to your website.

Providing optimised pages to search engines to achieve high rankings.

Broken Link(s)
It is a link within the website which could not be followed. It is also called a dead link.

It is a temporary memory in your computer. When you visit a web page that is stored in your cache. When you go BACK, the browser looks at the cache first and retrieves the cache page first.

In simple words hiding page contents is cloaking. Creating pages in such a way that search engines and humans will see different pages.

Conversion Cost
In search engine marketing (SEM), when a visitor becomes a buyer, you can calculate the number of visitors and buyers among those visitors.

Conversion Rate (CR)
If an advert is displayed 10,000 times and generates 100 clicks, then CTR is (100 / 10000 x 100%).

A file contains some data, and the web server sets it on the client machine.

Counter / Page Counter
Normally counters count the page views, not visitors.

Cost per action.

Cost per click.

Cost per lead.

Cost per thousand impressions (M= Roman numeral for 1000).

Cost per sale.

It is a software that follows links on your website.

Cross Linking
Linking domains with each other belong to one family.

Deep Linking
It is a link from another website for the inner pages of your website, not for the home page.

Doorway Domain
The domain has been designed to generate traffic for some other website.

Doorway Page
According to the topical relevance, a page not providing relevant data for the domain topic is called a doorway page. These are also called bridge pages, entry pages etc.

Dynamic Content
Web pages receive data from databases or through parameters.

Earnings Per Click.

Earnings Per Visitor.

Free For All.

It is an HTML technique; you can display two or more web pages on the same browser screen.

File Transfer Protocol. It is a protocol for transferring files from your local computer to the remote server or vice versa.

Ghost Site
The site remains online but has statements that explain it is no longer being updated.

Google Dance
Every month Google updates its search index; this is called Google Dance. It remains for a couple of days.

Googlebot / Google Bot
Google’s spider.

Hidden Text
Text which is visible to search engines but not to human visitors.

Hyper Text Markup Language is a standard language used to create webpages.

Hyperlink / Link
It is clickable content, which can lead the user to another website, another web page or within the same page. Search engine crawler uses links to move one page to another page.

One display of an image or advert.

Inbound Link
A link is coming to your website from some other website.

It is a searchable database of a search engine where information on web pages is stored.

Index File
Search engines create this file; they collect data from your web page and store it in their database for quick reference.

It is a scripting language developed by Netscape. It is a good language for browser handling, but search engines can’t read Javascript.

Keyword Density
How close keywords appear in the page’s content is called keyword density.

Keyword Domain Name
Domain name having your main keyword.

Keyword Phrase
Normally, search engine query also called phrases.

Keyword Stuffing
Repetition of keyword or phrase in META tags or somewhere else.

Keyword Targeting
Creating pages targeting keywords or phrases is one of the most important part of any SEO campaign.

Keyword-Focused Content Page.

Keep It Simple Stupid.

Link Checker / Link Validator
It is a program that checks broken links or dead links.

Link Farm
It is the same as FFA, where anyone on the list website. It is an artificial way of increasing the link’s popularity.

Link Popularity
It is based on the total quality of the inbound link to a specific page. The quality of backward or inbound links has become one of the most important points of search engine optimisation.

Manual Submission
Submitting a website to a search engine or directory with a human hand rather than using automated software.

META tags are placed in the HEAD tag. META tags contain information about the page. These are not visible to the user but very important for search engines. KEYWORDS and DESCRIPTION tags are most commonly used in META tags.

Making the changes in a website’s coding, layout and programming to make it more search engine friendly. The whole process is called optimisation.

Outbound Link
A link is going from your website to another website is called the outbound link.

PageRank (PR)
Google trade mark. It measures the importance of a web page.

Paid Listing
Paying a fixed amount to a search engine, directory or a website for placing your link for some time.


Pay Per Load.

Qualified Traffic
Generating specified traffic for your website is called qualified traffic.

Reciprocal Link
Exchanging a link between two websites is called a reciprocal link; it is also called a link swap.


Many web search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo!, use search robots, also referred to as bots, wanderers, spiders, and crawlers, to build their databases. The majority of robots operate similarly to web browsers but without user input. Robots access web pages and frequently locate and link to other websites using links. They can index documents’ titles, summaries, or entire contents much faster and more thoroughly than a human could.

This is a text file located at the root level. It defines the permission for file and folders to robots/crawlers.

Return On Investment.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Optimisation. For more details please see optimisation.

Search Engine Results Pages(s).

Using such techniques on your pages is against the search engine guidelines.

See Crawler

It is very important to search engines to pay special attention to the TITLE tag when indexing. Also, this becomes links in search engine results.

Top Level Domain.

Uniform Resource Identifier. It is the address of resources available on the internet.

Uniform Resource Locator. It is a unique address of resources available on the internet.